Is Your Meditation or Yoga Practice Just … Spiritual Entertainment?

Bursting self-delusions in the spiritual environment

Ida Eira Johannesen
5 min readApr 13, 2022
Me, private image

The assumption that our yoga, meditation, cacao ceremonies, women’s groups or spiritual books clubs are in themselves a path of awakening… must be one of the grandest delusions I know of in the spiritual environment.

In itself, standing on our heads for ten minutes a day, sitting still in meditation for hours, volunteering in an ashram, doing nose-cleanses and attending cacao ceremonies, haven’t got anything to do with self-realization. That is… unless we USE THE ENERGY these practices generate to take on our REAL work: The inner one.

Our spiritual practices are at best the very BEGINNING of our inner work. And unless we proceed to take on our (dirty, challenging, painful, scary) inner work, our daily asanas or weekly ceremonies or silent sittings turn into mere spiritual entertainment — something to pass our time with to prevent us from going KO-KO.

A consumption of spiritual activities has nothing to do with awakening or self-development!

I spent the years between 2017 and 2020 in a fulltime spiritual deepening. Much of that time I lived in Ubud in Bali: a spiritual heaven for…



Ida Eira Johannesen

Personal development and spiritual pitfalls. I’m a performing artist and tea ceremonialist, with background from the tantric field.